Klassische Musik, Volume 2: Finally completed!

Roughly 5 months ago, this e-book was “almost completed”. Good luck I didn’t know how much work it really was to get it finished… One thing is sure: This e-book is extreme.

This is also true for the title:

Klassische Musik mit der Ukulele
Band 2
Das klinget so herrlich

But at last, it’s finally done! You can get it here:


2 Responses to Klassische Musik, Volume 2: Finally completed!

  1. Delighted to have your new book. Now I all I have to do is learn how to play them on my new Brueko uke. Maybe one day I will be able to play them as well as you do.

    • Wilfried Welti

      Thanks for your nice words!
      So you got a Brueko! Congratulations! They are really fine ukes. I wish you a great time playing it!