Das klinget so herrlich

The famous tune from The Magic Flute, where papageno sounds his magic bells to escape Monostratos and his slaves.

It was a bit of a challenge to find the right key to make it sound good on the ukulele. I’m playing here an Ukumele mahogany soprano ukulele with ADF#B tuning. It wouldn’t sound so nice in the original key. Ok, I could have used a sopranino to achieve this, but I was a bit too lazy today ;-)

I hope you like it!

2 Responses to Das klinget so herrlich

  1. Ray Vaillancourt

    I love your music. Is it available to purchase?
    What ukulele are you playing?

    • Thanks! This piece is not available so far, however I’m working on a new e-book where it will be contained. You can also take a look at my older e-books by clicking on “Tabs and E-Books” in the menu at the top.
      If you’re looking for MP3s of my playing, I’m also selling inexpensive MP3 packs along with several of my e-books.
      The Ukulele I’m playing in this video is an “Ukumele” mahogany soprano. However I’m playing other ukuleles in other videos.
      Best Regards